Seek Asia

  • The project

    Tasked to refresh the Employer website and supplement it with a flexible backend system. The role of the website is to communicate the benefits of using for hiring purposes and later adapted across all other & JobsDB markets across Asia.

  • About the client & JobsDB, are employment websites based in Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong, and Thailand. Combined they are known as Seek Asia, the largest online employment company in Southeast Asia.

  • Planning ahead

    The challenge was building a website for 6 countries, in multiple languages and variety of content, while aligning with the client's goals and needs.

    An idea to make it better...

    The website was built on a flexible grid layout system, which consists of an easily changeable content holder for various market, a singular backend CMS with moldable theming and an efficient scaling system.

  • The results

    6 countries. 1M+ of web traffics. A job portal multisite that generated 90% traffics increased after launched.